So this is Christmas. And what have we done? Nothing.Well… nothing yet. Mariah won’t stop screeching. The sun has disappeared. There is no light. No glimmer except the blinding gleam of those blaring neon lights, beckoning us onto dying, slushy high streets to shop shopshop and save save save. It’s cold. Too cold. There aren’t enough tissues. Or chocolate. Or, it seems, time. Focusing is impossible when we’re bombarded by countless quantities of smug, carefree adverts lecturing us to relax… take it easy. Just eat, drink and be merry. Well, we all desperately want to. But then there’s those mocks. Those tests. That homework. Ugh.
Studying can be a nightmarish bore during the winter period, so here at Cardiff & Vale Tutors, we’ve devised a little checklist to help you stay sane (and more importantly, motivated) during the most stressful, ahem… wonderful time of the year.
No, not a half-hearted note hidden deep within the depths of your phone. Invest in a day planner, jotdown exactly what subject you’ll be working on at what time, and detail a clear-cut strategy of precisely what you need to learn. Bullet point the specifics. Highlight the essential stuff. Don’t forget to cover all bases, and be smart. If your coursework is only worth 5% of your overall grade, ensure that you’re not spending all of your time writing it. Divide your time sensibly, and most importantly, prioritise.
Take regular 15-20 minute breaks. Don’t overload your brain. Too much information will make it ache, and you won’t retain anything. Find a balance: reward yourself when you’ve completed a task, but don’t indulge. Leave that for Christmas day.
Aimlessly scrolling through social media might feel like a worthwhile distraction whilst you’re doing it, but when it’s midnight and you realise you’ve spent most of your day pointlessly perusing memes, you’ll kick yourself and wonder why you didn’t start sooner. Tablets, smartphones, laptops, smartwatches, games consoles… gather your gadgets, turn them off, put them in a separate room. Concentrate!
No matter how comfortable you may feel with your school work, there’s always room for improvement. An experienced tutor can help you identify your weaknesses and develop personalised lessons that will benefit you tremendously. No matter the subjector level, Cardiff & Vale have an extensive selection of fully qualified tutors available for each and every academic requirement. Not only that, we’re currently ranked the number one agency for private one-to-one tuition in the capital, so what’s not to like?
Follow these simple tips and tricks and you’ll be well on your way to academic success.
Oh, and from everybody here at Cardiff & Vale Tutors, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Our latest blog is written by Jake Pezzack, who achieved a first-class honours degree from King’s College London in 2018, and currently teaches English and Media Studies for Cardiff & Vale Tutors.