Resource ideas from books, website links to online Resources from Cardiff & Vale Tutors. Helpful ideas for home schooling too!
We offer vouchers which can be used to pay for tuition lessons. These can be gifts for birthdays, occasions and celebrations. The vouchers can be paid using the Pay Online link to the secure site using a credit, bank card or Apple pay. These vouchers last for 12 months. Please do email your voucher request to [email protected]. We can then email to you the different designs we can offer. We can send the vouchers by post or by email.vouchers by post or by email.
Goal Setting stay on track with Cardiff & Vale Tutors Guide to planning revision and your workload!
Y6 to Y7 Survival Guide -Check out our Cardiff & Vale Tutors Guide to the Transition from Primary to Secondary School offers includes WJEC past papers
Pass Functional Skills offer Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills courses in English and Maths. The Level 2 course is equivalent to a Grade C at GCSE level. This is recognised by Schools and Universities. They offer Courses, Revision cards and online exams.
Maths resources with information in Welsh (Cymraeg) and English :
GCSE History Resources for WJEC and all exam boards can be found on the School History website. Covers KS3, GCSE and A level.
The 2022 Curriculum – What Parents Need To Know
An Overview of The Welsh Education System
The Laws on Home Education in Wales
National Reading and Numeracy Tests in Wales Explained For Parents
The Welsh ALN Act, 2020 – Information For Parents
The Special Educational Needs System is currently being replaced by a new statutory framework that was set out in the Additional Learning Needs Act (Wales, 2019). Implementation of the ALN Code began in September 2021 and will be completed by August 2024.
Secondary Maths:
Primary Maths for Education packs
Lots of Links and Resource Ideas For Home Schooling
We offer a Practice Exam Marking service and NEA coursework guidance including detailed individual feedback for each student. All A level, GCSE & IGCSE marking will be completed by experienced Examiners. We can offer WJEC, Eduqas, OCR, AQA & Edexcel trained Examiners. We offer Medical Degree Interview Practice.
Lesson Resources For Tutors
Oxford International AQA Exams
Welsh Joint Education Committee
Snap Cymru is very helpful
Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA) is a volunteer based charity which gives FREE and INDEPENDENT advice to parents about education.
IPSEA may be able to help if you feel your child’s needs are not being met, for example: if you are not happy at the way the school is meeting your child’s special educational needs; if you want the school to assess your child, but they refuse; if the LEA refuse to issue a IDP or Statement after assessing your child; if you want to appeal against a IDP when it is first made or when it is amended; if the LEA will not put the school you prefer on your child’s Statement; if you are unhappy with the amount of help your child is being given.
Dewis Cymru has excellent links and contact information
Special Needs Assistive Technology:
We recommend Barrington Stoke books for dyslexia readers:
Barrington Stoke Homepage – Collins
Recommended Cardiff Based Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Assessor:
Phone number:07886027075
Recommended Cardiff Educational Psychologist:
Proofreader -Vale Proofreading