At Cardiff & Vale Tutors we have Spanish, Chinese, Welsh, French and German Tutors who can provide one to one tuition for GCSE, A level and adult learners. Through our online tuition service we can tutor in Cardiff, Wales and the world!
Here one of our Spanish tutors looks at the benefits of learning a foreign language.
With over half of the world’s populations speaking two or more languages, bilingualism is becoming more and more important in today’s society.
The benefits of learning a second language are endless. Not only do you have the opportunity to travel the world in a way you won’t have had before, you also have an immediate connection with other countries and the people. When you study a language, you’re discovering a culture. Culture is so deeply embedded in language, it allows you to open your mind and broaden your horizons. Immersing yourself fully in these cultures is only possible by sharing a common language.
Learning a foreign language also gives us the opportunity to work abroad and move around the world to fit our needs and desires. In turn, this opens up doors and makes speakers of more than one language desirable to employees and increases self-confidence. It’s a win-win situation!
Experts suggest the younger a person is, the easier it is for them to learn a language and reach a level of fluency. There are also educational advantages to learning a language! The more the brain is used, the better it works. This can strengthen the memory, which in turn means performance in other academic areas is improved.
So, if you’re feeling inspired, encourage your child to improve their language skills and open them up to a world of opportunities! Contact us at Cardiff & Vale Tutors as we can offer online tuition as well as face to face Language tutoring.
By: Hollie Patterson
Hollie is a Spanish and English Language Tutor for Cardiff & Vale Tutors.